AFC Totton AFC Totton Pitching In - Partners with Southern Football League

Each year we welcome over 100,000 people through our doors at the stadium which presents significant advertising and sponsorship opportunities for local and national businesses to take advantage of.

The demographic provides a rich base of fans who are all ‘consumers’ in their own right and no matter what form of advertising you choose, AFC Totton is a cost-effective, high-impact marketing and advertising channel.

This year our reach extends across the South Counties allowing advertising opportunities and brand awareness to all 22 teams in the Southern Premier League for national and local business to benefit from, which include:

Basingstoke, Beaconsfield Town, Bracknell Town, Cheshem Utd, Didcot Town, Dorchester Town, Gosport Borough, Hamwell Town, Harrow Borough, Hayes & Yeading Utd, Hendon, Hungerford Town, Merthyr Town, Plymouth Parkway, Poole Town, Salisbury, Sholing, Swindon Supermarine, Tiverton Town, Walton & Hersham and Winchester.

With a flexible range of physical and digital advertising options, there is a solution for every type and size of business wanting to take advantage of this unique opportunity to reach an audience of thousands of captivated potential customers.

On a matchday your brand is not just a fleeting advert that can be dismissed or forgotten, your advert and brand is there and in front of buyers for the duration of the game, at every home game.

What other form of advertising offers this type of value for money and potential return on investment?
AFC Totton offers a range of platforms for your advertising message, including:

  • Pitchside advertising hoardings
  • Signage (digital & static) around the Snows Stadium
  • On-screen advertising around the ground
  • Official Matchday Programme
  • Presence on the official club website at
  • Branding of facilities throughout the Snows Stadium complex
  • Kit Branding
  • Player sponsorship
  • Matchday sponsorship
  • Stags Radio sponsorship
  • AFC Totton TV sponsorship
  • Weekly email newsletter

For more details, please see our range of commercial, advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Or to find out more and get involved, please contact [email protected] for rates, availability and options.


Media Channel Stats.

A new official Facebook page was created only 18 months ago and the Club’s volunteers are working hard to post frequent, relevant content to increase its follower count and engagement. The page is used for official club posts and targeted paid ads for page growth and specific event promotions.

Key Stats
Mar ‘23 - Mar’24
Page reach:110.3k
Male V Female: 61/38
Page visits: 116.4k
Followers: 1.6k

Official Instagram @afctottonofficial
Recently created channel designed to engage a younger and more diverse audience.
Mar ‘23 - Mar’24
Page reach: 18.0k
Male V Female: 79/20
Page visits: 31k
Followers: 1.6k

Mar 2024
Created Feb ’22 and used throughout 23/24 season for B2B audiences to share relevant content, and sponsor news and commercial events at the Snows Stadium. 
Followers: 384 

Official Club Website
Widely viewed as one of the best websites at this level, provides vital content for fans, sponsors, advertisers, our charity and community partnerships, and more. Due to new GDPR legislation and recent changes to Google, the breakdown of unique details on website visitors is limited to users who allow Google to collect information on them and allow AFC Totton to use Cookies on them for marketing reasons.

Key Stats
Mar ‘23 - Mar’24
Page Views: 242,548
Users Age: 18-64+
Unique Users: 71k

Official YouTube Channel @AFCTottonTV1886
Domestic & international reach with gloat highlights, manager and player interviews
Key Stats March 02 – April 02
Impressions: 36.9k
Total Views: 4k
Total Watch Time:47.4 HRS
Top Viewer Ages: 25-34

Live matchday commentary service, utilising Twitter/X Spaces, free to air, giving easy access to 10,000+ Twitter/X followers. Guest co-commentators at each game, post-match interviews with players and manager/management team.

Key Stats
Jan ‘24 – Mar ’24
Total Listeners: 5,837
No Of Broadcasts: 70 (every game, home & away, league and cup)

Official Matchday printed publication. The quality of our printed programme is on par with football league clubs and has an avid readership. Average 100 printed copies for each home game providing the perfect channel for takeaway advertising

Key Stats
Mar’23 - Mar’24
Copies game: 75-150
Copies pa: 2,600
Advertising/editorial: 40/60

The ‘Always on’ digital screen is situated at the entrance of the club shop and main turnstile. The high volume of passing traffic. Content is seen by matchday visitors as well as all other venue visitors
Multiple high-quality video and static content

Key Stats
Mar ‘23 – Mar’24
Hours on: 24/7/365
Eyeballs: 500,000+
Advertising/info: 70/30
Dwell time: 30 - 2mins

Weekly email newsletter distributed to a growing list of voluntary sign-ups, providing an audience mix of ages across male and female readers spanning local and national coverage. 

Key Stats
Mar ‘23 – Mar’24
Issues sent: 
Subscriber base: 852
Typical open rates: 44%

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